Kevin Presseault

One decision leads to a ripple effect in many other areas of our lives. I'm all about helping people navigate those ripples in the context of community.

Leadership tips, articles, and encouragement to be healthy body, mind and soul. And maybe some geeking out along the way!

Learn. Lead. Laugh.

I've been blogging for nearly 15 years. Long before I even knew the point of blogging :)

A great way to connect and be a part of the community! We discuss leadership, life, learning, fitness, and whatever else comes to mind.

Whether you are a follower of Jesus or a complete skeptic about church and faith, Greenbelt Church is a safe and welcoming place to grow and be challenged.

My wife and I launched a new Podcast! Each week we break down Christian stigmas and taboos regarding emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness. Lots of laughs, maybe a tear or two, being real in order to see real transformation in the lives of our listeners. 

I have lots of fun with Geek Culture. Novels, comics, board games, all are great for forming community and having a lot of fun.

Head over to my YouTube Channel and be a part of the fun.

Social Media is a great way to learn and grow together. I can be found on most Social Media platforms. Use the links in the Top Menu to connect with me there.